- Surgical Procedures
- Face
- Blepharoplasty
Our eyes are our most beautiful and powerful feature. Not only do they help us see this beautiful world, colors, our loved ones, joys of life but they also talk, show intensity, display emotions, convey the things that are impossible through words…Eyes well-deservedly have all those phrases, songs, artworks to their name because they represent the spark of our life!
However, many people cannot really enjoy these things as they struggle with sagging eyelids, excess hanging skin on the eyes, puffiness of the eyes, ptosis, and other such issues. Heavy eyelids, sagging skin on the eyelids not only cover the beautiful eyes, makes one look old but also obstructs the vision. We, at Vanity Cosmetic Clinic, have the perfect solution for such issues and that is – Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery!
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a simple, safe, and effective procedure that can remove the droopiness of the eyelids and restore the eyes to their original shape, youthfulness, and alluring nature. Even though blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery, you need to understand and get all the information you need before you decide to get it done. So, read on to get more information on blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery as Dr. Santosh Bhatia, the Board-certified blepharoplasty surgeon in Mumbai of Vanity Cosmetic Clinic, understands this and has answered everything about Blepharoplasty on this page to help you make an informed decision.
What our patients have to say?
Blepharoplasty Information Capsule:
Synopsis of the surgery | Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat and skin from the eyelids to restore the youthful appearance of the patient’s eyes |
Length of process | 45 minutes to 2 hours (may vary) |
Anaesthesia | Local anesthesia with or without intravenous sedation |
Recovery | 2 -3 days to recover and rest 2-3 weeks before physically straining activities like heavy exercising can be started |
Alternative name | Blepharoplasty is also known as eyelid surgery, eyelift, double eyelid surgery, ptosis surgery, ptosis treatment, droopy eyelid treatment, eyelid lift surgery |
Cost | Eyelid surgery cost varies depending on the problem, type of the surgery. The following is the eyelid surgery cost -
EMI | Interest-free EMI available for Blepharoplasty |
What Is
Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, eyelift surgery, ptosis surgery, or double eyelid surgery, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can be performed for cosmetic, functional, or both reasons. In blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery, excess skin and fat in the eyelids are removed and the skin around the eyelid is tightened. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery can be performed on upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or in combination. The type of procedure, technique, required sites, and other such things are discussed and finalized during the consultation, and blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery can be customized as per the needs and requirements of the patient. Hence, it effectively eliminates heavy, sagging eyelids, and other such problems effectively.
Types Of Blepharoplasty:
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty can be performed as per the concerns and has many types of methods/procedures in it as said earlier. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery can be performed for both cosmetic and functional reasons and for upper eyelids, lower eyelids as well as both in combination.
- Cosmetic Blepharoplasty: Cosmetic blepharoplasty or cosmetic eyelid surgery is performed to enhance the look, features of the eyes when the droopiness of the eyelids, saggy skin on the eyelids, etc. hamper the attractiveness of the eyes.
- Functional Blepharoplasty: This is performed when the sagging eyelids are interfering with the vision of the patient. The patient is unable to see properly due to the drooping eyelids then a functional Blepharoplasty is recommended.
- Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: Upper blepharoplasty may also be indicated for functional reasons, whereby the upper eyelid fat, orbicularis hypertrophy or laxity, skin laxity and lash ptosis may affect the patient’s field of vision. Upper eyelid surgery or upper eyelid blepharoplasty may also be indicated to improve one’s appearance as it can effectively eliminate the issues like the skin around the eyes becomes thinner, eyelids begin to sag and fat starts turning into bumps around the eyelid that come along with aging.
- Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: Lower eyelid surgery or lower eyelid blepharoplasty is performed for cosmetic concerns. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty or lower eyelid surgery eliminates issues such as fat bulges in the lower eyelid, extra sagging skin effectively and helps to improve one’s appearance drastically.
No matter what kind of eyelid surgery/ blepharoplasty you need, Vanity Cosmetic Clinic, Mumbai aims to fulfill your goals with Dr. Santosh Bhatia’s expertise and modern technology.
who Is
an ideal candidate for blepharoplasty?
Dr. Santosh Bhatia, an experienced blepharoplasty surgeon in Mumbai, has provided criteria for ideal patients for blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a minimally invasive surgery that can be performed on patients who fit into the following criteria:
- The candidate should be mentally and physically overall healthy.
- The candidate should have cosmetic or functional concerns regarding their eyelids and eyes.
- The candidate should have realistic expectations from the surgery.
- Anyone, regardless of their gender, can opt for blepharoplasty as it is a gender-neutral surgery.
Reasons to get Blepharoplsty:
- Ptosis: Ptosis basically can be described as droopy eyelids, falling of upper eyelids, or abnormally low position of eyelids. In the case of ptosis, the eyelid may or may not obstruct the vision. In cases of ptosis, some people experience slight drooping of eyelids whereas some people struggle to keep their eyes open and see. Hence, ptosis can be a cosmetic as well as functional concern depending on the severity of the problem. The main cause of ptosis is weak, tired, abnormal eyelid muscles. However, weakness or lower position of eyelids muscles can be caused due to aging, congenital weakness, or external trauma. In some cases, children are born with ptosis.
- Droopy Eyelids: Droopy eyelids or hanging skin on upper eyelids is another reason to get blepharoplasty. To understand the issue and finalize the method/ type of blepharoplasty, it is important to differentiate between true ptosis and excess overhanging skin. Droopy eyelids may obstruct vision in many cases, can cause appearance concerns, as well as some people also struggle to open their eyes with droopy eyelids or hanging skin on the upper eyelids.
- Excess Skin and Puffiness: In many cases, excessive fat, sagging skin around the eyes and especially, the lower eyelids can cause issues like dry eyes, puffiness, wrinkles etc. which generally become appearance concerns and eye rejuvenation via blepharoplasty is the perfect solution for such problems.
- Double Eyelids: Many people who are born with single eyelid fold or who do not have prominent upper eyelid creases want to change the appearance of their eyes for cosmetic or appearance concerns. This can be achieved by creating an upper eyelid fold or with double eyelid surgery, which is a type of blepharoplasty performed at Vanity Cosmetic Clinic, Mumbai.
What to expect at the
consultation with dr. santosh bhatia?
Dr. Santosh Bhatia’s one on one consultations are deep, detailed discussions where he asks the patient about their expectations, desires, goals, understands their medical history, and explains the procedure and risks to them.
When a patient comes for blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery, he/she will be asked about the problems you are facing due to the sagginess of the eyelids. Dr. Bhatia will also want to know whether the patient has taken a vision test recently, this will help in establishing whether you need a Functional Blepharoplasty or Cosmetic Blepharoplasty. Pictures of the eyes and eyelids will be taken from multiple angles as part of the case history.
At Vanity Cosmetic Clinic, Mumbai, consultations also involve noting down medical history and any allergies that might affect the surgery. Dr. Santosh Bhatia ends the consultation only after making sure that the patient is fully satisfied, has no more doubts, and both of them are on the same page.

How is the
cost of blepharoplasty determined in India?
If the blepharoplasty is solely performed for cosmetic reasons, then the insurance will not cover the cost of blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. However, if proof of visual loss or any other such functional reason is submitted, then the insurance may cover the repair. When it comes to the overall cost of blepharoplasty in Mumbai or eyelid surgery in Mumbai, the following factors are included:
- Fees of consultation
- Fees of the team of doctors
- Cost of medical tests
- Cost of the facility
- Cost of dressings and post-surgery garments
The cost of blepharoplasty in Mumbai or eyelid surgery in Mumbai may vary depending on certain factors like the type of surgery, the technique used, experience and expertise of the surgeon, the location of the clinic or hospital, and accreditation of the facility.
What is the
cost of Blepharoplasty in Mumbai?
As for the cost of blepharoplasty in Mumbai, the cost will vary depending on the problem and the type of surgery. The following is the price range for eyelid lift surgery in Mumbai –
- The Upper eyelid surgery cost in Mumbai is around Rs. 1,00,000/- + 18% GST (may vary)
- The lower eyelid surgery cost in Mumbai is approximately Rs. 1,20,000/- + 18% GST (may vary)
- The combination eyelid surgery cost in Mumbai is around Rs.1,60,000/- + 18% GST (may vary)
During the consultation, Dr. Santosh Bhatia will explain to you the total cost of blepharoplasty for your unique case and all the contributing factors.
What to expect before the
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a minimally invasive surgery; hence, there aren’t any specific requirements and preparations expected from the patient. However, Dr. Santosh Bhatia may ask you to go through a couple of routine checkups, a few blood tests as well as urine tests. Other than that, pictures of your eyes will be taken for the case record and to analyze before and after results.
how is the
blepharoplastyin Mumbai performed?
The following is the general procedure as to how eyelid lift surgery is performed in Mumbai. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a minimally invasive and short surgical procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis at Vanity Cosmetic Clinic in Mumbai. Operation theatre of Vanity Cosmetic Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and Dr. Santosh Bhatia, Board-certified blepharoplasty surgeon in Mumbai, performs the surgery with the utmost care for patient safety.
- First, the patient is administered with local anaesthesia to numb the sensation around the eyes. In very rare cases where multiple cosmetic procedures are scheduled for the patient in combination with blepharoplasty, general anaesthesia may be administered.
- In the second step, incisions are made on the eyelids.
- If the patient is struggling with droopy eyelids, excessive skin on upper eyelids, hanging skin on the eyelids, then upper eyelid surgery is performed in such cases. In the upper eyelid surgery, an incision is made on the natural creases of the upper eyelid and excess skin & sometimes fat from the upper eyelid is removed. This helps to reduce the heaviness of the eyelids and other cosmetic as well as functional problems caused by it. In some cases, along with removing excess skin and fat, to restore the normal position and shape of the eyelid, the skin on and around the eyelid is tightened.
- In cases where the patient is suffering from ptosis or ptotic upper eyelids, then depending on the type and severity of the ptosis, upper eyelid surgery alone or may be combined with ptosis surgery can be performed. In this procedure, to restore the vision and symmetry which compromised due to ptosis, incision is made in the upper eyelid or internally behind the eyelid to set the height or elevate the upper eyelid by tightening levator muscle and remove the excess skin and fat from the eyelid. This will not only help in correcting cosmetic concerns, but if the patient is facing issues like vision loss/obstructive vision etc., this surgery will eliminate those functional issues as well.
- In cases where the patient is struggling with excessive skin or fat on lower eyelids, the lower eyelid surgery is performed. In the lower eyelid procedure, the incision is made in the natural creases of the eyelid to remove or tighten the excessive skin and fat pockets present in the eyelid. In lower eyelid surgery, incisions are made following the natural contours of the eyes; hence, the change in the appearance post-procedure is drastic and to enhance the look or appearance, many people combine lower eyelid surgery with other cosmetic facial surgeries.
- In the cases where the patient is aiming for full eye rejuvenation or is facing tremendous cosmetic complications with some functional issues, then the combination surgery, that is upper eyelid surgery in combination with lower eyelid surgery is performed.
- The double eyelid surgery is a type/form of blepharoplasty, however the double eyelid surgery is different from the traditional blepharoplasty. In traditional blepharoplasty the excess skin and fat are removed from the upper, lower, or both the eyelids. But in the double eyelid surgery, the main aim is to create double eyelids. Therefore, the creases or folds are created in the upper eyelids by suturing and the skin removal is kept minimum. Many people opt for this surgery to have noticeable eyelid fold and to achieve lifted eye look for younger appearance.
- Once the incisions are made and the corrections are made, Dr. Santosh Bhatia skillfully closes the incisions so as to minimize scarring.
- Apart from removing the excess fat and skin or any other specific procedure, Dr. Santosh Bhatia keenly works on contouring the eyelids to enhance the patient’s facial features. Hence, the patient not only gets rejuvenated, younger-looking eyes but also beautified eyelids.
how is
the recovery process after blepharoplasty?
The recovery process for Blepharoplasty is not cumbersome at all. Bruising, redness and swollen eyelids are expected and normal post-procedure. To reduce swelling, redness, and pain after the procedure, a few topical antibiotics, ointment, and painkillers will be prescribed by Dr. Santosh Bhatia.
After the procedure, col packs should be applied to your eyes continuously as per the doctor’s instructions for at least the first 48 hours. The doctor may even ask you to switch to warm compresses 48-72 hours after the surgery. It is important for you to follow all the instructions carefully and sincerely for the safe recovery and the best results.
In case you wear spectacles then you may begin wearing them at any point of time after the surgery. Do not wear contact lenses until the swelling subsides completely. Ask Dr. Santosh Bhatia for the right time to start wearing contact lenses (since it varies from patient to patient).
The surgical sutures are dissolvable ones and will naturally dissolve within 4-7 days of the surgery. Hence you do not need to worry about that.
Experiencing mild discomfort and pain around the eyes for a week is completely natural after Blepharoplasty. The basic recovery time where patients are advised to rest is 3 days after that patients can resume their routine but need to be careful not to perform any physically strenuous activities. Heavy exercises and physical activities may be resumed after 2-3 weeks.
What are
the risks associated with blepharoplasty?
Even though Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a straightforward cosmetic surgery, it does have risks like any other surgery. It is vital that as a patient you are aware of the risks before you make the choice to undergo the surgery.
Following are the rare risks that may arise out of the surgery:
- Temporary inability to close your eyelids completely
- Dry eyes
- Vision loss from retrobulbar haemorrhage
- Eyelid Infection
- Double vision
- Noticeable surgical scarring
- Malpositioned eyelids
- Undercorrection (not removing enough of the excessive skin)
- Overcorrection (removing too much skin)
- Numbness of the eyelids
Vanity Cosmetic Clinic is one of Mumbai’s most reputed Plastic Surgery practices. We perform our surgeries by prioritising the safety of the patient first more than anything else. Hence these risks rarely occur to our patients.
Book Appointment for a Consultation
Click the button below to Book Appointment at your preferred location.
Your consultation includes:
- 30 min 1-1 session with Dr. Bhatia.
- Discuss your concerns and surgical goals in a completely non-pressured environment.
- Dr. Bhatia will in turn explain the options available to you, likely outcomes, any risks or potential complications, and recommend a course of treatment with the associated cost.
Dr. Santosh Bhatia
Dr Santosh Bhatia is Mumbai’s most-sought-after Plastic Surgeon. Founder and Director at Vanity Cosmetic Clinic, Dr Bhatia is also associated with some of the best hospitals in Mumbai such as Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Breach Candy Hospital.
Dr Bhatia has a vast global experience working with Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery hospitals in New York, Toronto, London, Chicago, Miami, Pune, and Mumbai.
Dr Santosh Bhatia’s focus lies in performing minimally invasive, state-of-the-art plastic surgeries that yield natural-looking and gorgeous results. He is a cosmetic surgeon with the vision of an artist. Dr Bhatia pays keen attention to details which makes the patient’s transformation graceful and aesthetically pleasing.
Dr Santosh Bhatia has happy patients including celebrities, socialites, and everyday women from all over the world. His surgical skills, experience and high-regard for safety has earned him a reputation not only in Mumbai but all over the world.
“Surgeon’s skill and experience, quality of care, infrastructure and facilities, and your comfort with the surgeon are just as important as the final cost of the surgery"
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